"Mind the meaning, and the sounds
will take care of themselves."
Latest news

March 15th 2025
I’m happy to announce that my piece Balla Balla Bambineddu, a traditional sicilian song arranged for children's choir (SA), piano, and optional tambourine, has been selected for the ANDCI Christmas Call for children's voices!
A big thank you to the technical committee and congratulations to all the other selected composers! The pieces will be published in a dedicated volume by Sonitus - Edizioni Musicali (Italy).

december 14th 2024
I am pleased to share with you my contribution to the magazine Dirigo - La Rivista dell'ANDCI - (National Association of Italian Choir Directors), specifically to the section "La Bottega del Compositore." I would like to thank the entire editorial team for this significant opportunity for discussion and in-depth analysis on composition competitions. The article is available at the link , starting from page 40.
I invite you to explore the interesting contributions by reading the entire magazine for free.

August 09th 2024
I inform you that I won the contest "Call Natale Torino 2024" promoter by ANDCI .
My piece GAUDETE will be part of a new Christmas collection published by Sonitus edition -Varese. All the pieces will be performed next 28 December in Turin by the ANDCI choir directed by Silvia Biasini

June 29th 2024
Two honorable mentions at the
Japan International Choral Composition Competition
(130 scores from 35 countries around the world)
Jury: Paweł Łukaszewski (Poland)
Andrea Angelini (Italy)
Cristian Grases (Venezuela/ The United States)
Damijan Močnik (Slovenia)
Akane Nakanishi (Japan)
Ko Matsushita, artistic director and director of the Metropolitan Choir of Tokyo, and Haruka Kanie box office.

June 3rd 2024
I'm very happy for this release of my piece in Japan!
"Così da' lumi"
(First prize at the 48th “Guido d'Arezzo” International Composition Competition
Special “Dante Alighieri” award on the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death (1321 - 2021) (Italy)
Special thanks to Ko Matsushita
director of the Metropolitan Choir of Tokyo for choosing this my work for the October series of the prestigious

November 22nd 2023
"My interview with the journalist and musicologist Stefania Cruciani for the Italian conductors' magazine ANDCI."

October 4th 2023
I'm very happy for this release of my piece
in Japan!
Special thanks to Ko Matsushita
director of the Metropolitan Choir of Tokyo for choosing this my work for the October series of the prestigious
and special thanks to Momoka Tajima (Tokyo).
I can't wait to listen to the first performance!

September 16th 2023
I'm pleased to inform you that I won
the "Audience Prize"

September 16th 2023
Finalist at the 6th edition of the INTERNATIONAL COMPOSITION COMPOSITION FOR A SACRED MUSIC WORK, «FRANCESCO SICILIANI» AWARD, which enjoys the patronage of the Dicastery for Culture and Education of the Vatican and included in the program of the 78th edition of the Sagra Musicale Umbra.
The Jury, chaired by the composer Berislav Šipuš and composed of Lorenzo Donati (conductor), Gary Graden (conductor), Rino Murakami (composer), Alessandro Siciliani (conductor) and Marcello Filotei (composer and artistic secretary), chose three finalist works to which the various prizes will be awarded.
Premiere on September 16th in the Basilica s. Francis in Assisi. The works will be performed by the Stockholm Cathedral Choir, directed by Gary Graden.

August 25 th 2023
71st International Polyphonic Competition “Guido d’Arezzo”
My piece "Così da Lumi", text by Dante Alighieri (Divine Comedy) first prize at the 48th International Composition Competition of the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation is a compulsory piece at the 71st Guido d'Arezzo International Polyphonic Competition 2023
press rewies

june 3rd 2023
New Dublin Voices in concert
Bernie Sherlock conductor
Unitarian Churd, St. Stephen's Green!
at 7 p.m.
- Dublin -
The Choir will perform my piece "Così da lumi" first prize at the 48th International Composition Competition of the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation

june 13th 2023
Musicanova choir in concert
Fabrizio Barchi conductor
Santa Croce church in Jerusalem at 8 p.m.
-Rome -
The Choir will perform my piece "Così da lumi" first prize at the 48th International Composition Competition of the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation
press rewies

june 17th 2023
VU Kamerkoor in concert
Krista Audere conductor
at 7 and 9 pm (two concerts)
The Choir will perform my piece "Così da lumi" first prize at the 48th International Composition Competition of the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation

may 27th 2023
Coro da camera di Torino
in concert
Dario Tabbia conductor
-Vittorio Veneto (TV) Italy-
The Choir will perform my piece "Così da lumi" first prize at the 48th International Composition Competition of the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation
starts at 41:40

"Try to imagine a man alone, his mind clouded and full of sleep, in a point of the night just before dawn, surrounded by darkness and a gloomy and impenetrable forest. Out of breath, panting, the man sees ahead of him a hill and he already feels that once he gets to the top the light will be able to reach him more quickly.
So he begins to climb it, but the ascent is tiring and he is afraid of not making it".
This is my "INFERNO"
for string orchestra, clarinet and choir (SSAATTBB).
(duration 9.58 .ca)

November 26th 2022
Honorable Mention for my piece "Già della notte" for mixed choir a cappella at the Turoldo International Composition Competition (Udine) on texts by Fr. David Maria Turoldo.
The piece will be released by Aldebaran Editions -
Rovato (BS) and performed in 2023!
(Jury Panel) Mons. Vincenzo De Gregorio – Presidente - Domenico Clapasson, Julieta Kubik, Carlo Pedini, Maria Dal Bianco, Andrea Venturini, Fabrizio Fontanot, Daniele Parussini
press rewies
Messaggero Veneto del 6-12-2022

october 31 th 2022
Hope is the thing with feathers
for mixed choir SABr and piano text by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
commissioned by ANDCI , published by Sonitus (Varese)

october 15th 2022
Special mention to my Ave Verum at the first International Composition Competition Giancarlo Facchinetti -2022 (BRESCIA)
edit by SONITUS EDITION - Varese
in this collection there is another piece of mine:

July 6th 2022
The premiere of my piece in Preveza (GREECE) as part of the 40th International Choral Festival was also a compulsory piece for the International Conducting Competition.
The piece is edited by
ASTRUM Music Publications.

March 5 th 2022
Special mention to my Ave Verum at the first International Composition Competition Giancarlo Facchinetti -2022
Jury: Silvia Bianchera Bettinelli (President), Silvio Baracco, Ennio Bertolotti, Alberto Donini, Enrico Miaroma, Martin Palmeri e Tommaso Ziliani
press rewies

January 18th 2022
I am very happy and honored for this 1st prize awarded to me in the International Composition Competition of Preveza (Greece).
A heartfelt thanks to the whole jury: Ambrož Čopi (Slovenia), Vytautas Miškinis (Lithuania), Javier Busto (Spain) Ko Matsushita (Japan)
The premiere of my piece will be next July in Preveza as part of the 40th International festival and it will also be a compulsory piece for the international conducting competition. The publication will be edited by ASTRUM Music Publications.
Jury work outcome:
https: //www.armoniachoir.gr
Press Rewies
Preveza News
Tomi Stien Eminerosi.

January 21st 2022
Finalist at the Seghizzi Composition competition 2022
next 14-18 July2022 in Gorizia – Italy.
december 28th 2021
With great joy I inform you that I was awarded the 1 st prize at the 48th International Composition Competition of the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation - AREZZO
The jury composed of David Azurza (Spain) Nana Forte (Slovenia) Pawel Lukaszewski (Poland) Ko Matsushita (Japan) John August Pamintuan (Philippines) Roberta Vacca, Marcello Filotei (Italy) he also decided to award me the prestigious “Dante Alighieri Award” on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of his death with the composition "Cosi da lumi" text from the 14th chant of Paradise.
LA SICILIA del 9/2/2022

december 27 -28 th 2021
From an idea of M° Nicola Conci, a new and beautiful ANDCI initiative starts. On 27 and 28 December 2021 in Salerno there will be the first meeting of the National Choir of Italian Choir Directors. In a wonderful place, directly on the sea, two beautiful days of study on a Christmas repertoire composed for the occasion by seven Italian composers. All with the direction of M° Roberto Tofi, who will direct us to the concert in the beautiful Cathedral of Salerno.
Do not miss!
SCORE>>>>ANDCI Collection Vol. 2, 2021;

music by Salvo Gangi

International competition choral music composition based on Dante's texts
"Puccininsieme al Sommo Poeta",
Honorable Mention for my piece "CANTO XXXIII"
Jury: "particular compositional relevance and good harmonic knowledge"
The Jury, composed of Walter Marzilli, artistic director of the Competition, Lorenzo Donati (Italy), Ivan Florjan (Slovenia), Valentino Miserachs Grau (Spain) Mauro Zuccante (Italy)
The winning and / or reported pieces will be performed for the first time by the organizing choir during their final concert at the end of November 2021 at the theater in Grosseto as part of the Tuscany Festival, closing the season of Dante Alighieri events.
May 05th 2021

National Association of Italian Choir Directors

November 01st 2020
(International Choral Organization of Tokyo)
publishes my piece, which was assigned
2nd prize at the Japan International Choral Composition Competition 2020
Exsultate Justi (purchase score)

November 25th 2020
Thanks to the kind editor Ilaria Mantovani and the director Filippo Michelangeli for contacting me and publishing this news in the magazine Suonare.it
#suonarenews #ilariamantovani #ilportaledeimusicisti
Finalist at the Seghizzi international composition competition - Gorizia
I am particularly happy that my composition "Tempora Labuntur" (text by Ovidio, Fasti book VI) has reached the final round of the prestigious 59th edition international choral composition competition "Seghizzi" in Gorizia.
As a result, I will compete in the Composition Trophy in July 2020.

september 03rd 2018
National composition competition "Vinicio Carrara"
In the final round of the composition competition - Carrara Edition of Bergamo - the composition "O Sac Convivium."

April 14th 2019
National composition competition
"Musiche della Passione" Mottola (TA)
In the final round of the composition competition "Musiche della Passione" in the city of Mottola (TA), the composition for wind orchestra entitled "Elì" was awarded a diploma of merit and a cash prize.